Man Shack x Oi

This Sunday 15th December from 12pm - 5pm, we are once again teaming up with The Man Shack to create our annual Christmas party for those who are homeless in Belfast. This year we’ve reached out to more local companies to get involved so that we can give back bigger and better than ever before.
What’s happening?
It’s a full day of giving back! We’ll be starting off with free haircuts for both male and females, alongside a pop-up shop with our clothing that will be totally free to those who are homeless. That includes free hats, pom-poms, gloves, blankets, sweaters, hoodies and t-shirts. On top of this our street team have helped provide us with a list of essential items such as, sleeping bags, water bottles, waterproofs, socks and coffee voucher cards. A party isn’t complete without food so our friends at Boojum, Tribal Burger, Margot and Starbucks have all offered to provide their services for the day. The very talented David Cavan will also be there to offer free portraits to those attending, which was a huge hit last year.
What happened last year?
Last year over 80 people came to the party which was an incredible turnout. We had gift bags, clothing, food and haircuts all available for those who were homeless. It was by far our favourite day of the year and for those who attended they couldn’t be more thankful to everyone who had come to help put the party on.
Check out last years video - Click here
What we are hoping for this year?
For us, this day is all about seeing those who are experiencing homelessness realise their worth, potential and to know that so many people out there care. It’s events like this that we hope can be a stepping stone for those who are homeless to not only be inspired for their future, but to know that there is help available to them. For Belfast this is a chance to show how businesses can come together to utilise what they have and their resources in order to help those who are homeless. We hope it will inspire other business long after the event to give back. Whether that be a pay it forward system, employment scheme or supporting homeless charities, the potential for giving back is endless.